UPSIDER is transforming how companies manage their finances with its corporate card and integrated financial platform. From credit limits of up to 10 billion yen to streamlined accounting workflows and the AI-driven “UPSIDER Coworker,” UPSIDER has rapidly become a go-to financial partner for businesses of “challenging companies”. Beyond simplifying payments, UPSIDER offers an end-to-end solution that includes pre-approval workflows, automated expense reconciliation, immediate Slack-based notifications, and more. These capabilities enable robust financial governance, accountability, and efficiency, making it particularly appealing to publicly listed companies.
Today, we speak with Khai, a machine learning engineer at UPSIDER who has significantly improved the company’s OCR accuracy, cost efficiency, and chatbot performance. Khai shares insights into the technical challenges encountered, the collaborative culture that underpins his team’s success, and the excitement of contributing to a platform that’s redefining corporate finance management.
Khai Nguyen -san's Profile
After earning a Ph.D. from The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, he advanced his career as a researcher and engineer at the National Institute of Informatics and Cinnamon AI, contributing to cutting-edge projects in natural language processing, computer vision, and data science. As a Senior AI Engineer at UPSIDER, he works on developing AI solutions to address various complex challenges.
Achievements in 2024 ─95% OCR Cost Reduction via AI Integration
Narisa: Could you tell us about your achievements this year, Khai? We’ve heard that you made significant improvements in OCR accuracy, cost, and speed, and also refined the chatbot for Slack users.
Khai: Certainly. When I joined the team, our OCR solution was already established but needed further refinement to meet production-level standards. My initial focus was on boosting OCR accuracy—by analyzing meticulous details of the model's performance, training pipeline, and introducing advanced post processing algorithms, , we created a more robust pipeline. This allowed us to roll out the “receipt-attaching AI,” enabling users to submit evidence documents with efficiency and far greater accuracy.
In the second half of the year, we turned our attention to operational costs and speed. With extensive experimentation, we integrated Generative AI components with our legacy OCR model. This helped us reduce OCR costs by 95% while maintaining the same accuracy. We also improved processing speed by around 20%, which made the user experience even smoother.
For the chatbot, we improved request classification to minimize unnecessary clarifications. This led to a roughly 30% reduction in situations where the chatbot had to ask the user for more details to understand the user’s intention.
Combined, these improvements reduced manual workloads, enhanced user satisfaction, and delivered tangible value to our customers.
Overcoming Challenges ─Adapting to a Unique Domain and AI Integration
Narisa: Were there any challenges in achieving these results, and how did you overcome them?
Khai: Absolutely. Adapting to UPSIDER’s unique domain was the first hurdle. I spent time on hands-on experiments, reviewing documentation. I got lots of support from my engineering manager and team members and was able to get used to the new system quickly.
Integrating generative AI into the existing OCR pipeline was also challenging—we had to ensure the new approach wouldn’t introduce errors or slow down the system.
Refining the task classification process required analyzing past user interactions to understand why the chatbot sometimes couldn’t respond effectively. By thoroughly examining user logs and trying different models, we identified a better classification strategy.
Throughout these processes, team collaboration was crucial. Regular discussions, code reviews, and open communication helped us iterate quickly, validate our assumptions, and ensure that the solutions truly added value for our users.
Future Initiatives and Goals ─Scalability and AI in Future Products
Narisa: What are your future plans? Any particular technologies or goals you’d like to pursue?
Khai: I want to enhance our OCR to handle more complex documents, such as various invoice formats.
As UPSIDER’s user base grows, scalability becomes paramount.
I also look forward to applying my machine learning expertise to upcoming products, such as “UPSIDER Coworker,” to deepen automation, provide richer insights, and refine risk analyses.
On a personal note, I’m aiming to strengthen my skills in Go, a key language for our backend infrastructure. Becoming more proficient in backend engineering will help me design even more efficient and cohesive AI-driven systems that can handle increasing user demands.
Why UPSIDER ─Applying AI for Tangible Business Impact
Narisa: Why were you interested in joining UPSIDER?
Khai: UPSIDER’s mission of empowering businesses through advanced financial solutions resonated with me. I wanted to apply my AI skills where they could have a practical impact—reducing manual workloads, improving accuracy, and streamlining operations is deeply rewarding.
Additionally, UPSIDER provides opportunities across a broad technical spectrum, from backend systems to applied AI. The company’s inclusive and collaborative culture, with English support and comprehensive documentation, gave me confidence that I could contribute to meaningful solutions.
Excitement about UPSIDER
Narisa: What excites you most about working at UPSIDER?
Khai: The financial domain is evolving rapidly, and we’re at the forefront. We’re building tools that simplify financial operations and enhance governance. The potential for growth—both for the company and for me personally—is substantial. Whether it’s scaling infrastructure or refining AI models, each challenge encourages learning and improvement.
Moreover, the team environment is supportive and open. Issues are resolved quickly thanks to effective communication, and everyone’s willingness to help ensures we move forward together. It’s both challenging and deeply fulfilling.
AI, Teamwork, and the Future of Finance
Khai’s journey at UPSIDER underscores the company’s commitment to innovation, user value, and a truly collaborative work environment. From improving OCR accuracy and cost efficiency to refining chatbot interactions, his contributions exemplify how engineering, AI, and teamwork converge to shape the future of corporate finance. For engineers eager to drive meaningful change in the fintech space, UPSIDER provides an environment where every contribution counts.
At UPSIDER, we're not only focused on "UPSIDER Cowoker," but we're also launching multiple new businesses. If you're interested, let's have a casual meeting!
[Japanese Version]
こんにちは!Dev HRのNarisaです!
今回は、UPSIDERで機械学習エンジニアとして活躍し、OCR(文字認識)機能の精度向上、コスト削減、チャットボット改善などに大きく貢献しているKhai Nguyenさん(以下、Khai)にインタビューしました!技術的な課題や組織内でのコラボレーションの重要性、そして企業財務の新たな姿を切り拓くプロダクト開発へのスタンスなど、Khaiさんの仕事に対する考え方にも注目します。
Khai Nguyen さん
ホーチミン市科学大学(UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE, VIETNAM)を卒業後、総合研究大学院大学にて博士号を取得。国立情報学研究所の研究員として従事したのち、Cinnamon AIにてリサーチャーとして勤務。機械学習、自然言語処理、コンピュータービジョン、データサイエンス領域の知見があり、UPSIDERでは機械学習エンジニアとしてUPSIDER Cowoker事業に従事。
2024年の成果 ─ AI統合とOCRコスト95%削減
Narisa: 今年の成果について教えてください。OCRの精度向上やコスト削減、スピード改善、さらにはSlack上で動作するチャットボットの強化に尽力されたと聞いています。
Khai: 私がチームに参加した時点でOCR基盤はある程度整っていましたが、OCRを活用した新機能としてプロダクション要件を満たすにはさらなる精度向上が必要でした。モデルの解析やアノテーションとPost Processingの改善を行い、より堅牢なOCRパイプラインを構築しました。その結果、「証憑自動紐付け機能」をリリースし、ユーザーが証憑書類を効率的に提出できるようになりました。
Narisa: この成果を達成するにあたって、課題はありましたか? どのように克服したのでしょうか?
Khai: もちろんありました。まず、UPSIDER特有のビジネスドメインに慣れる必要がありました。ドキュメントを読み込み、マネージャーや同僚に質問し、実際に手を動かしてシステムアーキテクチャを理解しました。
今後の取り組みと目標 ─拡張性と新サービスへのさらなるAI活用
Narisa: 今後の展望や目標として、取り入れたい技術や取り組みたい領域はありますか?
Khai: OCRをさらに高度化し、複雑な請求書など、より多様な書類にも対応できるようにしたいと考えています。また、UPSIDERは今後ますますユーザー数が増えるため、スケーラビリティが極めて重要です。
「UPSIDER Coworker」などの新プロダクトに対して、機械学習の専門知識を活かし、さらなる自動化や高度なインサイト提供、リスク評価の強化など、AIを活用した新たな価値創出を目指します。
Why UPSIDER? ─ UPSIDERの使命と成長環境への共感
Narisa: なぜUPSIDERに興味を持ち、入社を決めたのでしょうか?
Khai: UPSIDERは先進的な金融ソリューションを通じて企業を強化することをミッションとしており、その中で自分のAIスキルを実際の価値創造に活かせる点に魅力を感じました。手動作業を削減し、精度と効率を高めることで、実用的なインパクトを与えられることにやりがいがあります。
印象に残ったエピソード ─全員参加のブレインストーミング
Narisa: UPSIDERで特に印象に残っているエピソードはありますか?
Khai: 証憑自動紐付け機能をリリースした後のブレインストーミングセッションが印象的でした。エンジニアやプロダクトマネージャーなど、さまざまなバックグラウンドを持つメンバーが集まり、技術的課題、ユーザーインパクト、保守性など、多面的な観点で改善策を検討しました。誰の意見も尊重され、建設的な議論が展開されるこの姿勢は、UPSIDERのカルチャーそのものです。
Narisa: UPSIDERで働く上で、何が最も刺激的だと感じますか?
Khai: 金融業界は急速な変革期にあり、UPSIDERはその最前線で企業の財務管理を再定義しています。高度なツールを提供することで、経費管理やガバナンスを強化し、顧客に新たな価値を届ける点は非常にやりがいがあります。
UPSIDERでは「UPSIDER Cowoker」だけではなく、複数の新規事業を立ち上げています。興味を持ってくださった方はぜひカジュアルにお話ししましょう!
Culture Deckはこちら📣