また「挑戦者を支える世界的な金融プラットフォームを創る」というミッションの基、請求書の後払いを可能にする支払い.comや2023年8月に発表したUPSIDER Capital 等、昨年467億という調達で話題になりましたが、その資本をスピーディーかつシームレスに流通させるかという軸をぶらさずに、まさに「金融」という社会インフラをアップデートしていくことにコミットしています。
- 開発基盤改善
- データ基盤整備
- 共通基盤整備
- TECH人材採用
法人カード「UPSIDER」のサービス・アーキテクチャーは基本、モノレポ・マイクロサービス化されており、ちょっと古い言葉ですが、ユーザーが実際触れるUIを提供するSoE (System of Engagement)、決済取引や各種台帳を正確に記録するためのSoR (System of Records)、そしてそれをつなぐBFF、という形で整理をしつつあります。
またTech Stack的にも SoE = JS(React/Vue)、BFF = Kotlin、SoR = Go、と3言語操らないとフィーチャーデリバリーができない、という状態にあります。Kotlinのエンジニアが不足しているのもあり、SoE, SoRの実装が終わっていてもBFFの開発がキャップになってしまい、思うように開発速度が上がらない。
その課題を解決するために現在 Rearchitecture のプロジェクトを進めており、BFFを本来の姿に差せること、あと技術スタックもFrontに合わせてTSにすることで、技術スタックのギャップを埋めてデリバリーを加速させることに取り組んでおります。
その他、Vue→Reactの移行プロジェクトや、テスタビリティー向上させるための「Flex Staging」プロジェクトなど同時並行で動かし、年内にもこれまでのデリバリー速度に一定制限をかけていた構造的な課題が解決できそうかと思っております。(これらについてもどこかのタイミングでより詳細に紹介できればと思います!)
上に挙げた領域ではプラットフォームエンジニア、データエンジニアの助けも必要ですし、UPSIDER Coworkerを初めとする新たな領域の開発、その他MLエンジニア、そしてプロダクト構想を描くプロダクトマネージャー、プロダクトデザイナーもまだまだ実現したい世界を作るためには手が足りておりません。
ということで、熱意有り余って色々書いてしまいましたが(それでもかなり端折ったつもりなのですが、汗)こんなUPSIDERをより深く広く知ってもらうためのTech Blog、また新たに発信していきたいと思っておりますので、末永くお付き合いいただけると幸いです!
UPSIDER Tech.fmも開始したので乞うご期待!
Hello esteemed readers and fellow tech enthusiasts! I'm Izumi, the newly minted VPoE (Vice President of Engineering, if we're being formal) at UPSIDER. I took up the mantle in August 2023.
Has it really been a year since our last update? Time sure flies when you're having... well, meetings, coding marathons, and more meetings. Jokes aside, I firmly believe that by sharing our journey, we build stronger connections with the engineering community, offering a sneak peek into our company's vibrant culture, innovative technologies, and groundbreaking products.
So, when they handed me the proverbial mic and said, "Reboot the blog!", how could I resist?
Today, I'd like to share a glimpse of what's been keeping me and the team busy.
UPSIDER: Scaling Heights and Breaking Barriers
UPSIDER's growth trajectory has been nothing short of meteoric. Our corporate card service has earned the trust and adoption of tens of thousands of users. Our mission statement — "Creating a global financial platform that supports challengers" — isn't just a catchy tagline. Last year, we secured funding of a whopping 46.7 billion yen, which was instrumental in accelerating initiatives like shi-harai.com (an innovative post-payment of invoices solution) and the unveiling of UPSIDER Capital in August 2023.
But let's not get sidetracked - at the core, our focus remains on revolutionizing the very fabric of financial infrastructure.
Insights from the Management Offsite, September 2023:
At our recent management offsite in September 2023, we distilled the paramount TECH priorities of the coming months. Here's what topped the list:
- Refining our development infrastructure
- Laying down robust data infrastructure foundations
- Building out a Unified Application Infrastructure
- The Hunt for TECH Talent
On a light note, it felt like a cool splash of water to engage in deep-dive TECH conversations amidst all the management talk. While we do love our business plans, strategies, and competitive analyses, it's evident that TECH is the backbone supporting these visions. I’m heartened by how hands-on and engaged our management team was in addressing these crucial topics. It's clear we're not just all talk and no tech.
Refining Development Infrastructure
At the heart of our corporate card service, "UPSIDER", lies a blend of Monolithic Repository and microservices architecture. Though it may harken back to yesteryears, we've organized it into three primary systems:
- System of Engagement (SoE): This is the user interface layer where users get their hands dirty.
- System of Records (SoR): Our reliable scribe that meticulously logs payment transactions and various other ledgers.
- BFF (Best Friend Forever... just kidding, it's Backend For Frontend): Our trusted bridge between the two systems.
A critical speed bump in our development highway is the BFF. Despite its storied past (we tip our hats to the previous transitions!), the BFF is laden with business logic.
Diving into our tech stack, we juggle three languages to roll out features: SoE gets its shine from Typescript (React/Vue), the BFF is crafted in Kotlin, and SoR rolls in Go. But there's a wrench in the works – a dearth of Kotlin maestros. This means that even if SoE and SoR are raring to go, BFF development hits a roadblock, putting a damper on our development pace.
Our current solution? The Rearchitecture project. We're on a mission to get the BFF back to its heyday and bridge the tech stack divide by transitioning to TS, which is more in line with the front end. We're optimistic this will put the pedal to the metal in terms of delivery.
And that's not all! We're juggling a couple of other projects – like our Vue-to-React switcheroo and the intriguing "Flex Staging" initiative aimed at amplifying testability. We're confident that by year-end, these infrastructural tweaks will rev up our delivery speeds. Stay tuned for more detailed updates on these projects - we're eager to spill the beans!
Elevating Our Data Infrastructure
Shifting our gaze, enhancing our data infrastructure stands out as a primary objective.
The burgeoning demand to craft queries and dissect data has left us in a bit of a pickle – it's proving to be quite the challenge.
We've dabbled in funneling some application data into BigQuery and presenting it using BI platforms like Redash. However, much of our querying happens directly on the raw application data, making it our closely-guarded "secret ingredient".
A mismatch lurks between the domain data the business yearns to seize and the existing application data. To rectify this, we're donning our construction hats, meticulously organizing a data dictionary, sifting out fact tables, and carving out dimensions.
It's no hyperbole to say that data drives our operations. From zippy credit screenings to managing the mammoth task of processing myriads of payment data daily for risk oversight, data is at the helm. Recognizing its vital role in delivering value to our users, we're pouring energy into fortifying this domain.
Advancing Shared Infrastructure
While this endeavor is a marathon rather than a sprint, we're knee-deep in curating a unified infrastructure. Our goal? Seamlessly merge the authentication infrastructure of UPSIDER Card and shi-harai.com. This masterstroke will untangle any service overlaps inherent to the UPSIDER Card.
Unified Application Infrastructure
While the journey is long-haul, we're actively constructing a cohesive infrastructure that merges the authentication platforms of the UPSIDER Card and shi-harai.com. This strategic move aims to streamline any service intricacies associated with the UPSIDER Card.
On the Hunt for TECH Talent
Beyond overcoming tech hurdles, our primary frontline remains product development. There's a real cost when users bow out due to lack of product features. Our current progress is driven by the undeniable value users see in our offerings, and it's imperative to maintain, if not amplify, this momentum.
Speaking of app development, our current roster includes a mere duo of full-time front-end developers, and we're somewhat starved of Go and Kotlin wizards.
But that's not all. We're on the lookout for platform savants, data engineering maestros, ML engineers, visionary product managers, and creative designers. With ventures like UPSIDER Coworker on the horizon, it's evident we need more hands on deck to shape the future we dream of.
Thankfully, our HR lead is seizing the initiative, amplifying our engineer recruitment drive. The entire engineering brigade is buzzing with enthusiasm about onboarding fresh talent, making talent acquisition a top organizational priority.
I, for one, juggle myriad roles, and it's heartening to sense a palpable uptick in our circumstances.
In Conclusion
My fingers may have run away with me in my fervor (despite efforts to be succinct!).
To offer a deeper dive into the world of UPSIDER, we're toying with the idea of a Tech Blog to foster ongoing dialogue. We're in this for the long haul, so we hope you'll join us for the ride!
Also, the launch of UPSIDER Tech.fm is on the horizon. Keep those ears perked up and stay tuned!